Basic Obedience



This program offers the following:

  • Come, Sit & Break
  • Down
  • Place (Your dog will sit on an object or at a location specified by you – chair, park bench, etc)
  • Heel (Loose Leash and Off Leash)
  • Off (Do not jump, etc)
  • Stay is implied in the commands
SKU: 0004 Category:


Four private, 1-on-1 lessons with the trainer to perfect your dog’s obedience!

Each lesson is roughly one hour in length and you learn alongside your dog! Lessons are generally a week apart. By the end of this training, your dog will be able to be off-leash whilst outside and be obedient to commands even with everyday distractions around them. An e-collar and training leash are included in the price of this package. Sales tax will be added at checkout.


Prices are marked at an e-Check (ACH) Discount of 4.00%, so you are saving instantly if you are paying by e-Check. If you pay in any other method than e-Check, you will not be taking advantage of the 4.00% e-Check Discount and the difference will be added to your purchase.

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